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Found an open-source project in GO for cloud-native applications and hybrid microservices

Smaller Is Better: Ultra-Compact Graph Representations for Big Graphs

Writing a Vector Database in a Week in Rust

Implementing a CDC Performance Feature With the Help of ChatGPT

How We Solved an OOM Issue in TiDB with GOMEMLIMIT

Type Variance in Java and Kotlin

Searchable Pod Logs on Kubernetes in Minutes - DZone Cloud

Jakarta EE 10 Has Landed!

Datafaker: An Alternative to Using Production Data

COBOL: A 1959 Idea and 2022 Technology

Building with Open Policy Agent (OPA) for Better Policy as Code

TIL that Hyrum of "Hyrum's Law" is a senior staff engineer at Google whose coworkers - after hearing him frequently refer to an already known phenomenon without a name - jokingly refer to it as "his law"

Debugging RAM - Part 1: Java Garbage Collection - Java Heap Deep Dive

Study: Developers spend almost 2 days a week just waiting for other developers to review their code

Spring Boot Pet Clinic App: A Performance Study

Interesting Application Garbage Collection Patterns

Being able to read bad code is a skill !

WebRTC Security Vulnerabilities You Should Know About

Changing certificates at runtime of a Spring Boot with Jetty server

Troubleshooting OutOfMemoryError: Heap Dump, Eclipse MAT

Introduction to Reflectionless: Discover the New Trend in the Java World

Acrobat on the Web Powered by WebAssembly

7 Best Python Code Review Tools Recommended by Developers

Being able to read bad code is a skill !

Why We Disable Linux's THP Feature for Databases

Understanding Jakarta EE 8 - CDI Part 1

Understanding Jakarta EE 8 - CDI Part 2

Different CPU Times: Unix/Linux ‘top’

SAST Solutions You Should Know

Detect & Blur Faces Programmatically

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