Richat Structure (2011)

The Arctic is Getting Rainier- The Arctic is known for its cold temperatures, which allow precipitation to fall as snow

The ocean has a fever

Antarctica’s Brunt Ice Shelf breaks

Global Green Up Slows Warming

Airborne Nitrogen Dioxide Plummets Over China

NASA and European Space Agency (ESA) pollution monitoring satellites have detected significant decreases in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) over China

According to NASA satellite images the Amazon Rain Forest fires are burning at close to average over the last 15 years.

Scientists Discover the Biggest Seaweed Bloom in the World.

Vredefort Crater, the world’s oldest and largest known impact structure

Explaining Paleoclimatology Evidence:Earth Orbit Change Correlations to Ice Ages

People cause most US wildfires.

A 30-Mile-Long Ice Shelf Is About to Break Away From Antarctica

Seafloor Features Are Revealed by the Gravity Field

One of few places on Earth where an international boundary can be seen at night

Shrinking Aral Sea

A Satellite View of River Width

Ancient Rome’s Hexagonal Port City

A Scientific Family

First Map of Antartica’s Moving Ice (2011)

What Lies Below at the South Pole

The Legacy of Nimbus – first weather satellite

2014: The Aral Sea is almost gone - use the dots under the photo.