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Small asteroid to hit Earth's atmosphere today

2024 Quadrantid meteor shower to peak January 3-4

Aliens on TRAPPIST-1e could find us by our pollution

What’s a Safe Distance from a Supernova for Earth?

Enceladus’ ocean is even more habitable than thought - New model indicates the ocean is moderately alkaline with a pH between 7.95 and 9.05

Below Antarctic ice, a giant groundwater system

Heatwave in India breaks records, still worsening

Another asteroid whizzes past Earth hours after discovery

New solar sail may travel to Alpha Centauri

Solar Orbiter passes historically close to sun on Saturday

Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are already merging

Solar superflares hit Earth multiple times

Earth is dimming due to climate change

Jupiter’s energy crisis solved: Auroras roast upper atmosphere

Approaching object might become Earth’s mini-moon

Phosphine gas found in Venus atmosphere suggests microbes

For those at northerly latitudes, Comet NEOWISE up in the evening now, too

Physicists say they’ve found a new particle called a ‘tetraquark’

It's Raining Microplastics in the Western US

Black holes are like a hologram

Ötzi the Iceman’s final days (this is kind of an old story) Europes oldest, still preserved mummy

385-million-year-old forest discovered

A new study has found that plastic pollution is being deposited into the fossil record, with deposits increasing exponentially since 1945

See China’s Chang’e 4 on moon’s far side

Whales share songs from other oceans

US tornado frequency shifting eastward

Astronomers working with Gaia’s second data release have discovered 20 more high-velocity (aka hypervelocity) stars that appear to be coming from another galaxy and racing right through our galaxy.

Astronomers capture 1st confirmed image of a newborn planet

[Binary] star predicted to explode in 2022

Scientist have discovered a large gravitational pull in the outer reaches of our solar system

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