Research shows possiblity to build microchips that can identify multiple diseases from a single cough or air, and can be produced at scale

Researchers reconstructed speech from brain activity, and are using it to build vocal reconstruction technology that recreates the voices of patients who have lost their ability to speak

Survey study found that ChatGPT’s responses to people’s healthcare-related queries are nearly indistinguishable from those provided by humans

By monitoring sweat glands, researcher develops algorithm to track mental states through the skin almost instantly, using a non-invasive wearables

New model sheds light on trends in firearm ownership in the United States, revealing potential link between firearm purchases and mass shootings

Researchers discover privacy-preserving tools leave private data unprotected

Baba Is Y'all

A new study on the spread of disinformation reveals that pairing headlines with credibility alerts from fact-checkers, the public, news media and even AI, can reduce peoples’ intention to share

"Researchers from NYU Tandon School of Engineering and University of Western Australia report robotic fish predators can quickly stress invasive fish species to curb reproduction"

Building Better Connections Between Systems Researchers and Practitioners

New mathematical model estimates how quickly diseases spread

Understanding Misunderstandings in Source Code

Player Improvement and Single-Player High Scores

Playing Games Across the Superintelligence Divide

Exploring Game Space (2014)