Why F# evangelism isn't working (2015)

Will deep understanding still be valuable?

Native AOT Overview

Requirements (2007)

Will deep understanding still be valuable? (2021)

Why your F# evangelism isn't working (2015)

My Comments on “Hitting the High Notes”

Great Hacker != Great Hire

My exploration of Rust and .NET

Xamarin.Forms: StackLayout vs Grid

Nullable references in C# 8.0

Using Span for high performance interop with unmanaged libraries

Exploring wasm2cil performance

Running WebAssembly and WASI with .Net

Why your F# evangelism isn't working

My initial experience with Rust from a C and F# coder point of view (2015)

SQLite and Android N

DVCS and Bug Tracking

SQLite and Android N

MongoDB and WTFs and Anger

My initial experience with Rust

Memoirs from the Browser Wars

Do elite software developers exist?

Why your F# evangelism isn't working

How to make the Internet a nicer place to live

Career Calculus

Billions without Buzz

The Multiple SQLite Problem