Overbite Project: Why still use Gopher? What makes Gopher relevant?

Xa: Open-source 6502 cross assembler

The CBM 900 (2020)

eyeblea.ch, the Melbourne home of the Gopher and IRC revival

Manually Using Gopher and HTTP via telnet (2017)

The Original Sin of Free Software

The Alpha Micro Phun Machine: Mid 90s Motorola ColdFire/68K-Based Desktop PCS

Commodore 900

Encrypting Gopher

Project Gemini: a lightweight internet document protocol

Against complexity in computing

Cycles of Optimism and Pessimism

A lobste.rs mirror on gopher

Making a Laptop From Scratch

The Little Orphan: Tomy Tutor

Tutti II: The Tape-Enabled Tomy Tutor Emulator

Why Is Gopher Still Relevant?

Gopherpedia: The Gopher Interface to Wikipedia