
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

It’s Official: Cars Are Terrible at Privacy and Security

Meta to kill crucial transparency tool CrowdTangle

Most dating apps sell and share users' personal data

Training Data for the Price of a Sandwich: Common Crawl’s Impact on Generative AI

Mozilla's first-ever Annual Consumer Creep-O-Meter

State of Online Privacy Reaches 'Creepy' Level

It’s Official: Cars Are the Worst Category We Have Ever Reviewed for Privacy

Privacy Nightmare on Wheels’: Every Car Brand Reviewed by Mozilla

Ask Microsoft: Are you using our personal data to train AI?

Privacy Not Included: Cars

Petition to stop France from forcing browsers like Firefox to censor websites

Slack Takes an Important Step to Block Abuse

Top Mental Health and Prayer Apps Fail at Privacy, Security (2022)

Are mental health apps better or worse at privacy in 2023?

Loopholes in Google’s data safety labels

Mozilla: YouTube's Dislike Button Largely Fails To Stop Unwanted Recommendations

In Post Roe v. Wade Era, Mozilla Labels 18 of 25 Popular Period and Pregnancy Tracking Tech With *Privacy Not Included Warning

Reporting Back on Mozilla’s Cryptocurrency Donation Policy

Mozilla Webmaker

Tinder’s Pricing Algorithm Charge Users Up to Five-Times More for Same Service

Is my Facebook activity fcking my finances?

Twitter Disinformation Influencers in Kenya

Mozilla: *Privacy Not Included

Mozilla Common Voice Adds 16 New Languages and 4,600 New Hours of Speech

Time for YouTube to become more transparent on its recommendation algorithm.

Thank You, Apple for Standing Strong for Privacy

Apple’s Anti-Tracking Plans for iPhone

Police in Mississippi to Pilot a Program to Live-Stream Amazon Ring Cameras

Mozilla Urges Facebook and Twitter to Halt Dangerous Recommendations

Dear Facebook: Withdraw Your Cease and Desist to NYU

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