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After Crowdstrike Outage, FSF Argues There's a Better Way Forward

Free Software Foundation Privacy Policy

FSF to be deposed in SFC vs. Vizio, updates relevant FAQ entry

Volunteer for the FSF and GNU

FSF Shares Holiday Fairy Tale Warning 'Don't Let Your Tools Control You'

Introduction to free software and the liberation of cyberspace (2014)

Software that supports your body should always respect your freedom

The FSF Condemns Unauthorized Derivatives of GNU Licenses

GNU's 40th Anniversary: the FSF's Meeting with Old and New Friends

Forty years of GNU and the free software movement

Parents, domestic violence victims, lawyers: Free Software protects privacy

“Web Environment Integrity” is an attack on the free Internet

Take action, Protect end-to-end encryption

America's FTC Requests Comments on Cloud Computing. FSF Urges Privacy and Freedom

Google's decision to deprecate JPEG-XL emphasizes the need for browser choice

Call on the IRS to provide libre tax-filing software

The LibrePlanet videos are now on GNU MediaGoblin and PeerTube

FSF Awards 'Respects Your Freedom' Certification to ThinkPenguin's Gigabit Mini VPN Router

FSF Honors Emacs Co-Maintainer, 'Replicant' Developer, and Videoconferencing Tool Jami

FSF Warns: Stay Away From iPhones, Amazon, Netflix, and Music Steaming Services

Free Software Foundation Publishes Its 2022 'Ethical Tech Giving Guide'

There Were 19 New GNU Releases Last Month

How the FSF Runs Using Nothing But Freedom-Respecting BIOS

How a Turkish Municipal District Switched to GNU/Linux

Papers on GitHub Copilot, copyright law, and ownership for AI-generated code

Earn-IT threatens encryption and therefore user freedom

The Free Software Foundation Appoints a New Executive Director

Free Software Foundation Announces Five Papers Exploring Microsoft's 'GitHub Copilot'

As Chile Drafts New Constitution, 'Citizen Proposals' Urge Free Software and User Freedom

New FSF Procedures Let Its 5,000 'Associate Members' Nominate New Board Members

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