Beware of Base64 Encoded Strings

Pandoc: Convert links to footnotes (the easy way)

Fuck trees, use tags

Cost per Request

Greg, the Developer

A better publishing workflow for static blogs

Why you can't divide by zero

Real vs. Fake Trends

Why you can't divide by zero

Tracking SQLite Database Changes in Git

Organizing multiple Git identities

Principles of DevOps: Flow

The fundamental difference between Terraform and Kubernetes

Software is not defined by the language it's written in

What's next for modern infrastructure?

6 ways you can contribute to open knowledge right now now redirects to

Reselling Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a domain specific database

Debugging Docker images

Self-hosted software I'm thankful for

My blog is a CTF challenge

The only true answer to 'tabs vs. spaces'

A list of bugs in MacOS

Postgres Docker Container Migration Cheat Sheet

Swapping two Numbers without Temporary Variables

Fixing Traefik Proxy Issues

BTRFS on Alpine Linux

Server-Side Caching with Apollo GraphQL