
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

PhotoDNA and Limitations (2021)

C2PA and the CBC

C2PA from the Attacker's Perspective

Pinging Locations

Kind of Like That (2013)

Reasons Python Sucks

Introducing Hintfo

Apple's hackish attempt to make PNG decoding parallelizable

Tor 0day: Snowflake

PhotoDNA and Limitations

Perceptual hash algorithms (2011)

One Bad Apple

The Canary Chirps

Tor 0day: Uniquely Tracking Computers

Zebras and Dots

Looks Like It [Perceptual hash algorithms]

Tor 0day: Finding IP Addresses

PNG and Hidden Pixels

Tor 0day: Burning Bridges

Tor 0day: Replying to the Tor Project

Tor 0day: Stopping Tor Connections

Body by Victoria

Not So Secret Messages

Deanonymizing Tor Circuits

I hate Python. I hate it with a passion

More Google Abuse

Attacked Over Tor

Exploiting the TOR-Browser

Ad Nauseam

One Smart Cookie

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