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Virtually Hawaii

Researchers have discovered a new, simpler way, to make important chemicals (1,4-cis-disubstituted cyclic compounds) used in many medicines, particularly in drugs for treating some cancers and cystic fibrosis

New blood biomarkers linked to Alzheimer’s: scientists identified novel metabolite biomarkers, molecules produced during chemical reactions in our body’s cells (metabolism), in blood for AD

New study found a rise of microplastics in placentas of Hawaiʻi mothers from 2006 (6 of the 10 placentas contained microplastics) to 2021 (microplastics in all 10 placentas)

Researchers have assembled the largest-ever compilation of high-precision galaxy distances, called Cosmicflows-4

More than half of known human pathogenic diseases such as dengue, hepatitis, pneumonia, malaria, Zika and more, can be aggravated by climate change

A study on underwater noise pollution from seabed mining operations found noise from one mine alone could travel approximately 500 kilometers (roughly 311 miles) in gentle weather conditions, which could affect the understudied species that live in the deep sea

An innovative scientific instrument, the Compact Color Biofinder may change the game in the search for signs of extraterrestrial life

The world’s ocean is steadily losing its year-to-year memory

The AlohaNet: Surfing for Wireless Data (2009)

Neighborhood ties improve well-being of older adults

Oxidation is happening on the Moon. On a place with no atmosphere

Contrary to popular headlines, radio is not going anywhere

The expansion of the universe is accelerating, but the physics of this expansion remains a mystery

Ringing of the global atmosphere has been detected

U.S. National Monuments in the Pacific Ocean do not harm fishing industry despite numerous claims, new study shows

Lewis Carroll Puzzles

Public health experts say that with proper investment, at least $2 billion/year, the entire world could be free of tuberculosis by 2045

Tularosa Study: Experimental Quantify the Effectiveness of Cyber Deception

The Question Concerning Technology (1949)

Teasing, Gossip, and Local Names on Rapanui (1979)

If Bitcoin is implemented at similar rates at which other technologies have been incorporated, it alone could produce enough emissions to raise global temperatures by 2°C as soon as 2033

Researchers found a management approach combining manual removal and outplanting native urchin was effective at reducing invasive, reef smothering macroalgae by 85% on a coral reef off O‘ahu…

What We Know About Spreadsheet Errors

On the Effectiveness of Hardware Enforced Control Flow Integrity

New gene catalog of ocean microbiome reveals surprises

Blueprint for an Embedded, Systems, Programming Language (2014)

Study finds Earth’s sensitivity to variations in atmospheric CO2 increases as the climate warms.

University of Hawai'i is recruiting for NASA-funded mars simulation missions

An array of GPS instruments near the San Andreas Fault System has discovered nearly 125 mile-wide “lobes” of uplift and subsidence—a few millimeters of motion each year—straddling the fault system

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