Role of Covid-19 vaccines in preventing post-Covid-19 complications

Effects of salt substitutes on clinical outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis

The coronary artery calcium paradox: By 'walling off ' necrotic cores, coronary artery calcification is thought to be a protective mechanism in response to chronic inflammation.

Increasing saturated fat intake was not associated with CVD or mortality and instead correlated with lower rates of diabetes, hypertension and obesity.

Influenza vaccination decreases all-cause mortality risk in patients with heart failure, according to this systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.

Moderate level of egg consumption (1 egg/day) lowers the risk of heart disease

Study in the journal Heart shows that habitual chocolate consumption is linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Consumption of two cans of sweetened beverages per day (artificial or natural sugar, either one) linked to 23% increase in heart failure in middle aged men

Drinking 3 to 5 Cups of Coffee a Day lowers risk of having calcium deposits in the coronary arteries (which is an indicator of heart disease), new study shows.