Javalin – a simple web framework for Java and Kotlin

Javalin v6 has been released! (web framework)

I just published v6 of Javalin, a web framework I've been working on since 2017

Show HN: I finished v5 of a JVM framework I've spent spent half a decade making

I just finished v5 of Javalin, a JVM web framework I've somehow spent half a decade working on

Javalin 4.0.0 stable is now out (web micro-framework)

I just finished v4 of Javalin, a Java/Kotlin web framework I've been working on for four years.

Number of imports and library usability

Static util methods within lambdas

OpenAPI/Swagger specs (and clients for specs) using Javalin and Maven

Moving a project from Travis CI to GitHub actions

Javalin 3.5.0 released! Summary of features/fixes since 3.0.0 in comments!

A simpler approach to frontend development (no NPM)

Show Reddit: Javalin 3.0, a Kotlin/Java web framework

Javalin 2.8.0 is out - Validation improvements, Micrometer support, and a bunch of fixes

Javalin 2.7.0 released - Improved WebSocket config options

Javalin 2.6.0 released - Adds server-sent events support

Javalin 2.3.0 released (Improved Java 9-11 support, app attributes, Jetty HandlerCollections, bugfixes++)

Javalin 2.0 - A JVM web framework

Show HN: Basic Google Docs Clone in Kotlin with WebSockets (tutorial)

Javalin 1.6.0 is out, adds async requests with CompletableFuture

Show HN: Javalin – A Kotlin/Java web framework (first stable release)

Javalin reaches v0.4.0 with CORS, uploads, improved api-structuring, param-mapping functions++ (feedback wanted)

Show HN: Javalin, a Java/Kotlin REST API Framework