The experience of the jihadist terrorist attacks that plagued Western Europe between 2015 and 2017 shows that perceived threats from ethnic and religious minorities affect the tone of public discourse about immigration and the support for radical right parties…

Robots in Europe Vote for the Radical Right

Candidates often give in to temptation to attack opponents in electoral campaigns through negative ads (>55% of ads aired by Clinton and Trump campaigns in 2016 were negative), but it’s the “idle candidate” (the one neither attacking nor being attacked) that reaps the benefit…

When doctors and nurses can disclose and discuss errors, hospital mortality rates decline - An association between hospitals' openness and mortality rates has been demonstrated for the first time in a study among 137 acute trusts in England

When doctors and nurses can disclose and discuss errors, hospital mortality rates decline - An association between hospitals' openness and mortality rates has been demonstrated for the first time in a study among 137 acute trusts in England