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Humans have caused 1.5 °C of long-term global warming according to new estimates

A study in England found that reducing fast-food outlets in areas where they're heavily concentrated,, helped decrease childhood obesity by about 5%

Why people speak more alike today - People from the corporate world and higher education sectors are increasingly adopting each other’s speech patterns to be more socially inclusive…

Farmed salmon leads to loss of nutrients, instead eat 'feed fishes' directly

Researchers identify “clear changes” in ageing brain with a non-invasive technique, by simultaneously measuring oxygenation, brain electrical activity…

New evidence shows planting around school playgrounds protects children from air pollution

People raised in rural areas have better sense of direction than city dwellers

AI generated faces are more trustworthy than real faces say researchers

Nuclear Radiation Used To Transmit Digital Data Wirelessly With Californium-252

Scientists reveal how landmark CFC ban gave planet fighting chance against global warming

Researchers have introduced a new concept for rapidly analyzing for presence of a virus from colds to coronaviruses

Promising material can store solar energy

Physicists have established why objects moving through superfluid helium-3, a rare isotope of helium, in which one neutron is missing, lack a speed limit; exotic particles that stick to all surfaces in the superfluid

A new study highlights that tropical coral reef marine reserves can offer little defence in the face of climate change impacts

A combination of climate change, extreme weather and pressure from local human activity is causing a collapse in global biodiversity and ecosystems across the tropics

Amazon deforestation: An international team of scientists say the number of active fires in August was actually three times higher than in 2018 and the highest number since 2010

Thousands of meltwater lakes mapped on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet

Discovery of a “Holy Grail” with the invention of universal computer memory

An international team of researchers has discovered a new material made from manganese hydride that would be used to make molecular sieves within fuel tanks - which store the hydrogen and work alongside fuel cells in a hydrogen powered 'system'.

School bullying increases chances of mental health issues and unemployment in later life

Polari: The Lost Language of Gay Men (2016)

Large amounts of the potent greenhouse gas methane are being released from an Icelandic glacier

Women seeing baby animals have a reduced appetite for meat

A global biodiversity collapse is imminent unless we take urgent, concerted action to reverse species loss in the tropics, according to new study in Nature, the first on state of all four of world´s most diverse tropical ecosystems – tropical forests…

The world’s coral reefs are dying due to global warming

The UK will require major changes in agricultural practices to offset increases in nutrient runoff from farm land caused by climate change

Bilingual speakers experience time differently, study finds

Online password guessing threat underestimated

Comparing yourself with others on Facebook is more likely to lead to feelings of depression than making social comparisons offline.

Researchers researchers have devised two universal flu vaccines; a USA-specific vaccine with coverage of 95% of known US influenza strains; and a universal vaccine with coverage of 88% of known flu strains globally.

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