Aircraft noise at night is linked to poor sleep quality and disrupted sleep-wake cycles: people exposed to higher levels of nighttime aircraft noise experience more restlessness during sleep and disturbances in their daily sleep rhythm…

Plastics with bright colours such as red, blue and green degrade and form microplastics quicker than those with plainer colours, introducing harmful plastics into the environment more quickly

A study of more than 400,000 UK adults has revealed a clear link between walking pace and a genetic marker of biological age

Earliest evidence yet of huge hippos in Britain revealed by palaeobiologists in University of Leicester

Solar System samples reach Leicester

How to Manage a Dark Ages Estate

Human intelligence just got less mysterious, according to neuroscientists: New research that breaks with the past fifty years of neuroscientific opinion, argue that the way we store memories is key to making human intelligence superior to that of animals

The Enderby Shield

New research suggests that the Anthropocene could be defined by the breeding and consumption of modern broiler chickens and associated future archaeological and geological deposits.

Astronomers discover a second 'Great Spot' on Jupiter

Alzheimer’s advance: early stage study in mice show new drugs that restore memory loss and prolong life

Global warming disaster could suffocate life on Earth (2015)

[University of Leicester] Researchers calculated the caloric intake of the Fellowship. Result: Frodo should have never made it to Mordor.

Pyramid of Geezers: the model for a perfect human pyramid

Researchers develop new 'designer proteins' in fight against Alzheimer's and cancer: Scientists have developed an innovative process allowing them to generate a particular type of synthetic amino acid – and a particular type of designer protein - that has not been done before.

A fast-sensitive “electronic-nose” for sniffing the highly infectious bacteria Clostridium difficile (C-diff), that causes diarrhoea, temperature and stomach cramps…

Music to your ears? New research examines evidence of damage to your hearing: Many people listen to loud music without realizing that this can affect their hearing

15 years of research shows that kids in Gaza now suffering from PTSD, "Each cycle of violence has a cumulative effect on children and young people." "a substantial number of adolescents in these situations develop a range of long-lasting emotional and behavior problems"...Suffer trauma and anxiety

A new study shows that primary care doctors can reliably identify most patients with drinking problems using only two questions.