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Virtual Punch Card Creator

“PET-Globe” Demo

DEC PDP-1 emulator running "Spacewar", the earliest known digital video game

Commodore Season's Greetings for the PET

The Skiatron and Early Dark Trace CRTs

Commodore PET Keys – Series 2001 Edition

Spacewar 1 and the Beginnings of Video Game Aesthetics

The case of the missing 4th Commodore BASIC variable (and the 5th byte)

Raster CRT Typography (According to DEC)

A Random Distribution of Wealth

Spacewar Is 60 Today

Show HN: Tzintl.js – International Date-Time Conversion

Nerdy Reading

6502 “Illegal” Opcodes Demystified

Spacewar 1 and the Beginnings of Video Game Aesthetics

PDP-1 Spotting – The Amherst Mystery

Hunting two PDP-1 photos (which are not what they seem)

The original "Spacewar!" running on a virtual DEC PDP-1

Raster CRT Typography (According to Dec)

Outer Orbit – old school Spacewar-for-one game

PETSCII Revealed

Show HN: Virtual Card Read-Punch – Punch, Read, Execute Virtual Punch Cards

Show HN: MeSpeak.js 2.0 – Text-to-Speech in JavaScript

LGP-30 – A Drum Computer of Significance (1954/56)

Digital Video Game Firsts – Michigan Pool (1954)

Raster CRT Typography According to DEC

Minard / Morse / Tufte and Authenticity on the Web

Anatomy of a Random Number Generator

Snowflake Archeology: Early computer animation (1960s) for the DEC PDP-1

Anatomy of a Random Number Generator

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