
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Reasons for the unreasonable success of fuzzing

Amazon's $1,600 Astro robot has FOUR CPUs running Linux?

Shrinkwrap 'Contract' Found At Costco On... Collagen Peptides

eBay just charged me a $1.02 fee on an item I sold for $0.99

Bangladesh is in the midst of a near-total internet shutdown

"Firefox added [ad tracking] and has already turned it on without asking you"

My employer was dumping toxic waste into the apartment windows from their fab

Mozilla's Original Sin

EPA releases report on Apple's hazardous waste violations in urban silicon fab

I've compared nearly all Rust crates.io crates to contents of their Git repos

the PyPy "known bits" JIT optimization

Can I use gasoline to cook spaghetti faster?

Use cases for the -i option of sshd

You receive a call on your phone. The caller says they're from your bank

Run0, a systemd based alternative to sudo, announced

Systemd replacing ELF dependencies with dlopen

"[Brendan] Eich didn't lose the [Mozilla] CEO's job for his Prop-8 donation."

M4 always was horrible, and I say that as the original author of GNU M4

AltStore PAL, the first alternative app marketplace on iPhone, is available now

Two hundred reasons to not use Azure

Factorio Yosys: a full yosys backend for factorio that can compile a riscv core

Flagship Mastodon instance to require AI disclosure; bans AI-only accounts

Adding "before:2023" improves Google web searches

Major medical provider drops patient for not having a Android or iOS device

Docusign just admitted that they use customer data to train AI

AltStore has been approved for the Alternative App Marketplace entitlement

"no reasonable user would expect that their actions (…) be private from Apple"

"The issue was detected by our new AI-powered vulnerability scanner"

Developer receives 2-star review for using "race conditions" in app changelog

Threads Is Testing ActivityPup Integration

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