
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

The letter ℘: name and origin? (2017)

Is the largest root of a random real polynomial more likely real than complex?

Daunting papers/books and how to read them

Daunting papers/books and how to finally read them

Widely accepted mathematical results that were later shown to be wrong? (2010)

Does there exist a complete implementation of the Risch algorithm?

It's not mathematics that you need to contribute to (2010)

At what point should MO recognise it needs to leave Stack Exchange Inc?

How did Cole factor 26^7−1 in 1903?

Information theory, a categorical perspective

Timeline of “foundational” advances in homotopy theory?

Major discoveries made by mathematicians past age 50 (2010)

Examples of common false beliefs in mathematics

Need advice or assistance for son who is in prison

Why do proof assistants use dependent type theory instead of set theory?

Writing math papers in pre-LaTeX era (2010)

Math Overflow users resolve PhD thesis crisis

Terry Tao on some desirable properties of mathematical notation

What are the benefits of using one mathematical notation over another?

Bill Thurston's answer to “What's a mathematician to do?” (2010)

Nontrivially fillable gaps in published proofs of major theorems

MathOverflow discussion: Decision problems for which it is unknown whether they are decidable

Most interesting mathematics mistake? (2009)

Why doesn't mathematics collapse, when humans quite often make mistaken proofs?

Bill Thurston answers: What's a mathematician to do?

Unsafe RSA primes conjectured

The enigmatic complexity of number theory

Mathematical games interesting to both you and a 5+-year-old child

Foundational controversies in fields of Mathematics

Is there a winning strategy in Tetris?

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