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New battery-free technology can power devices using ambient RF signals

Study of ~3,000 Singaporean preschool children found those with more self-restraint and willingness to delay their gratification, had improved memory, self-control, academic skills, and fewer behavioural and emotional problems two years later

Scientists uncover missing link between poor diet and higher cancer risk: A chemical linked to poor diet, obesity or uncontrolled diabetes could increase cancer risk over time

According to a new research, the extra legs in caterpillars (‘prolegs’), which has long posed an evolutionary mystery to biologists, could have been evolved from crustaceans

Brief weekly magnetic muscle therapy improves mobility and lean body mass in older adults

Researchers developed a new $50 blood cancer testing method that has high sensitivity and makes regular monitoring affordable

NUS researchers devise revolutionary technique to generate hydrogen more efficiently from water

Researchers have discovered that ambient light is an important factor determining eye colour across primate species, suggested that this pattern may also explain differences in eye colour in human populations

NUS researchers invent self-charging, ultra-thin device that generates electricity from air moisture

Smart sutures to monitor deep surgical wounds

Researchers have found a way to power multiple wearable devices from a single charged device, using the human body as a medium to transmit power, paving the way for battery-less wearables

SmartFarm device to harvest air moisture for self-sustaining urban farming

Scientists use AI to identify cancer cells by their acidity

Researchers have discovered a new species of firefly in Singapore’s last remaining freshwater swamp forest

People with higher incomes feel more confident - Study finds income predicted greater positive self-regard emotions (pride, confidence, determination) and lower negative self-regard emotions (anxiety, sadness), and that sense of control mediated the relationship between income and such emotions.

A new way to turn natural gas into a non-explosive solid means that it can be easily stored and safely transported

Researchers have developed a new way to treat sewage that is much simpler, cheaper and greener than existing methods

Using an AI platform, researchers from the National University of Singapore have derived an optimal combination of available therapies against COVID-19 in just two weeks

Magnets and muscles: A molecule naturally found in muscle tissue responds to weak magnetic fields to promote muscle health and could be used to stimulate muscle recovery.

Office workers in China are more likely to order food delivery than go out for lunch when the air is bad outside

Scientists have developed an easy-to-use breath test that detects COVID-19 within a minute

New species of “supergiant” isopod uncovered

Researchers uncover a new mindset that predicts success

A new method for making atomically thin materials has led to the discovery of more than 10 new two-dimensional materials

World's first aerogels made using waste rubber tires

Inspired by jellyfish, scientists have invented a flexible, transparent, and self-healing electronic skin that's completely waterproof

More than 60 per cent of Myanmar’s mangroves have been deforested in the last 20 years

Transplanting fragments of coral into barren areas creates successful nurseries for many marine organisms

Butterflies can acquire new scent preferences and pass these on to their offspring

A new 'pH watch' can now tell if you are dehydrated, low on sugar, or at risk of skin infection by analysing your sweat

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