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AI music producer accused of bilking music streamers for millions

Significant energy source found under US-Mexico border

California the latest state to consider porn site age verification

Titan submersible likely imploded due to shape, carbon fiber: Scientists

Dell: Return to office or give up promotions

1 in 4 CEOs planning to replace workers with AI this year, according to recent poll

Minnesota middle school students 'seem happy' after cellphone ban

Body cameras could help make jails safer -- a new experiment in a Virginia jail found body-worn cameras reduced uses of physical force and resident injuries, suggesting that greater transparency could benefit not just police but also correctional facilities

How the CARES Act may have helped reduce property crime -- new research shows that expanded unemployment insurance and stimulus checks led to statistically significant declines in larceny/theft, burglary, and total property crime in the early days of the pandemic.

Med schools de-emphasizing MCATs may lead to less diversity -- when a university "masked" or concealed MCAT scores for applicants at or above the 51st percentile, the odds of underrepresented minorities or first-gen students getting admitted plummeted.

Nearly 40% of girls in Chicago schools show signs of PTSD

When a Pennsylvania court system provided public defenders at bail hearings -- which only half of counties in the United States do -- the use of cash bail and pre-trial jail went down.

Gaetz claims he’s seen UAP image that can’t be attached to humans

More visible police help deter crime

A joint bank account may improve your marriage -- an experiment where couples were assigned to have separate or joint bank accounts showed ones with joint accounts recorded significantly higher satisfaction in their relationships.

A prisoner's perspective can increase support for prison reform: When people read a first-person perspective from an inmate incarcerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, they became more supportive of reforms like free prison phone calls and alternatives to incarceration.

Study of nearly 200,000 ex-felons in Florida found ones who resettled in communities with a large number of immigrants had 21% lower rates of recidivism, suggesting that immigrant communities could reduce crime and improve safety…

Media can reduce polarization by telling personal stories -- a new study shows that pairing personal experiences with facts can reduce dehumanization of our political opponents

Stanford doctor among those ‘blacklisted’ on Twitter

New Alaska research shows that the state's Permanent Fund Dividend -- paid out to every Alaska resident annually -- increases fertility rates

Benefits of ‘looping’ kids with teachers for multiple years

Missionaries assigned to regions with large numbers of immigrants of Latino descent or to regions of the world with large immigrant populations became considerably more tolerant towards immigrants…

Miami advances plan to move homeless onto island

Florida police department diverting calls to mental health staff

Fighting crime by checking buildings, not suspects

Experiment: Pay students to tackle learning loss

Foster care is evolving by relying on children’s kin

Colleges where everyone works and there's no tuition

Vast Swath of US At Risk of Summer Blackouts, Regulator Warns

Michigan's school funding reform may have dramatically reduced adult crime among students who attended schools that received an influx of new school funding

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