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Single blood test predicts 30-year cardiovascular disease risks for women

Recreational Cannabis Legalization: No Contribution to Rising Prescription Stimulants in the USA

Vitamin D supplementation improves metabolic parameters in PCOS

Dietary Magnesium stabilizes CKD in older cats.

Being concerned about happiness but not aspiring to happiness is linked with negative meta-emotions and worse well-being

Curcumin reduces atherogenic risk in obese Type 2 DM patients

New experimental malaria vaccine conferred a significant degree of protection from parasite infection and clinical malaria that was sustained over a span of 2 years without the need for a booster dose—a first for any malaria vaccine

Study mapped the DNA of 47 different species of Lyme Disease, paving the way for better understanding of the bacteria

Bioaccumulation of Microplastics in Decedent Human Brains

Short-term fasting induces profound neuronal autophagy

National patterns of paroxetine use among US Medicare patients from 2015-2020

A recent University of Michigan study finds that while more women are choosing breast conserving therapy over mastectomy or lumpectomy w/reconstructive implants, both result in significant weakening of the shoulder muscles

Tom Cruise is dangerous and irresponsible (2005)

90% of the benefit of vitamin D for reducing death from cancer is due to direct action on the cancer

Obese adults randomly assigned to intermittent fasting did not lose weight relative to a control group eating substantially similar diets (calories, macronutrients)

Using data on 213,000 Americans, researchers found severe infections from the virus that causes COVID-19 tend to foreshadow similar severity of infection the next time a person contracts the disease.

Targeted Light Therapy Destroys Cancer Cells

Youth with conduct disorder show widespread differences in brain structure

Vitex agnus, ( Chaste Tree) in combination product for Menstrual Cycle disorders

US PATENT: Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors

Comparing costs and climate impacts of various electric vehicle charging systems across the United States

How to Shorten Scientific Manuscripts

Creatine improves physical function and body composition in older adults

Researchers have discovered how a set of genes could cause neurons to die in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Epidemic outcomes following government responses to COVID-19: Insights from nearly 100,000 models

The amount of infectious H5N1 influenza viruses in raw (unpasteurized) milk declined rapidly with heat treatment according to new laboratory research conducted by scientists at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Superior Cognitive Flexibility in Players of First Person Shooter Games

Plastic Particles in Bottled Water

Wine Consumption, Diet and Microbiome Modulation in Alzheimer's Disease (2020)

AI can help dentists detect cavities more reliably

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