
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Locales, Encodings, and Unicode

The C Standard charter was updated, now with security principles as well

P3292R0R0: Provenance and Concurrency

A proposal for the next version of C [pdf]

Polymorphic Types in C [pdf]

C++ Should Be C++

Improving our safety with a physical quantities and units library

Implication for C++ [pdf]

What is ABI and what should WG21 do about it? (2020)

UB? In My Lexer? [pdf]

C++ is the next C++

Bjarne Stroustrup: Think seriously about “safety”...

DG Opinion on Safety for ISO C++

C++ Is the Next C++

Design Alternatives for Type-and-Resource Safe C++: Bjarne Stroustrup and Gabriel Dos Reis

The initial proposal for a C++ Ecosystem International Standard

Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems

C23 working draft (7/6/22)

C++ exceptions are becoming more and more problematic

A simple defer feature for C

P2000r3: Direction for C++

Fibers under the magnifying glass

Proposal to add constexpr to C

No sane compiler would optimize atomics (2015)

A Provenance-aware Memory Object Model for C

Deducing This

Proposal for C23: Improve type generic programming

Pattern Matching

What we think we reserve

Contracts, Undefined Behavior, and Defensive Programming

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