The asteroid that sealed the fate of the dinosaurs was a carbonaceous asteroids that formed outside of Jupiter’s orbit during the formation of the solar system.

Another intermediate-mass black hole discovered at the centre of our galaxy

Treatment with an enzyme inhibitor that prevents lipid activation can restore the balance between excitation and inhibition in neural circuits, alleviating symptoms of mental disorders

New antibodies neutralize multi-drug resistant bacteria: scientists isolated antibodies from immune cells of patients chronically infected with P

A new study has shown that the expectation that a bribe will be accepted leads to more attempts at bribery

Some trilobites had third, fourth and fifth eyes located in the middle of their forehead — with lenses not unlike human eyes

A newly discovered star only takes four years to travel around the black hole at the centre of our galaxy

Social distancing measures in the spring of 2020 effectively curbed the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany

For the first time, biologically-relevant organic molecules have been detected in 3.5 billion year old rocks, which most likely served as nutrients for early life on Earth.

Using ¹⁸²W researchers find earth did not experience full speed mantle convection until 3 billion years ago, when modern plate tectonics is believed to have fully operated

Researchers have found out how cells can recover their development and longevity after damage by UV

Being treated disrespectfully can lead people to develop cynical beliefs about human nature

Cockroaches change their gait at mid-speed, a behavior previously only observed in fast mammals