
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

PostgreSQL 17

PostgreSQL 17 Beta 1 Released

PgBouncer: A lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL 16.3, 15.7, 14.12, 13.15, and 12.19 Released

Bloom Filter Indexes in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL 17 gains built-in collation

Core PostgreSQL Developer Dies In Airplane Crash


PostgreSQL Operations Cheat Sheet: featuring security, scaling, structure, etc.

PostgreSQL Is Now a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA)

PostgreSQL 16

Postgres 16 Release Notes

Setting the record straight: More updates on a trademark dispute

Let's make PostgreSQL multi-threaded

PostgreSQL – Don't Do This

PostgreSQL 16 Beta 1

ECPG – Embedded SQL in C

PL/Haskell v1.0 Released

PostgreSQL 15

PostgreSQL 15 Beta 1 Released!

PostgreSQL: Kubegres is available as open source

PostgreSQL 14 Released

Trademark Actions Against the PostgreSQL Community

PostgreSQL 14 Beta 1 Released!

PostgreSQL 13 Released

PostgreSQL 13 Beta 1 Released

Oracle vs. PostgreSQL – A Comment

I never knew Julian Assange had once contributed to PostgreSQL

I never knew Julian Assange had once contributed to PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL 12 Released

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