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Police Chief Says Cops Have a 5th Amendment Right to Leave Body Cameras Off

Censoring the Internet Won't Protect Kids

Police cannot seize property indefinitely after an arrest, federal court rules

The Feds Are Skirting the 4th Amendment by Buying Data from Tech Companies

California Lawmakers Face Backlash over Doomsday-Driven AI Bill

The post-neoliberalism moment

Courts Close the Loophole Letting the Feds Search Your Phone at the Border

'The DOJ's Assault on Apple Will Harm Consumers'

Senate to Vote on Web Censorship Bill Disguised as Kids Safety

Feds Arrest Telehealth Execs for Overprescribing Adderall

US Justice Department Indicts Creators of Bitcoin-Anonymizing 'Samouri' Wallet

E.U. Censorship Laws Mostly Suppress Legal Speech

AI regulations are crony capitalism

23% of bachelor's degrees and 43% of master's degrees have a negative ROI

Someone Trying to Vanish My Post About a Case on One-Sided Pseudonymity Again

Judge acquits Backpage co-founder Michael Lacey on most counts

iRobot Lays Off 350 Employees as Amazon Kills Merger

Coddled Kids Become Depressed, Anti-Social College Students

In the AI Economy, There Will Be Zero Percent Unemployment

You might not want to use your fingertip to unlock your phone

Seattle Is Getting Rid of Gifted Schools in a Bid to Increase Equity

Stop Your Car from Spying on You

Seattle Law Mandating Higher Delivery Driver Pay Is a Disaster

When a statute is ambiguous the tie should go to the citizen not the government

Why Is Panera Exempted from California's New Minimum Wage Law?

The Backpage Defendants Never Stood a Chance

Protect Act Could Require Removal of All Existing Porn Online

Appeals Court: FBI's Safe-Deposit Box Seizures Violated Fourth Amendment

'No AI Fraud Act' Could Outlaw Parodies, Political Cartoons, and More

Hair sample that put a man in prison turned out to be dog hair

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