Are there more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way? (2016)

Is This 'Magic' Roundabout Made of 5 Mini-Roundabouts?

Jack Black's Mom Helped Create the Abort System That Rescued AP 13 Astronauts (2021)

'Nobody Wants to Work Anymore' Meme Cites Real Newspaper Articles

Viral 'Ghost of Kyiv' Video Is From Simulation Game

Did Fentanyl Overdose Become Top Cause of Death for Adults Aged 18-45 in the US?

Snopes Tips: How to Spot Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior

tHis is a Big troLl

Twitter is still allowing Taliban-affiliated accounts on its platform.

The Big Pentagon Internet Mystery Now Partially Solved Exposes 4chan Campaign to 'Kindle Mistrust in Snopes'

The little island of Cyprus have had 4 antennas torched in the last few months by anti-5G activists.

Snopes Disputes 'Shakiness' of COVID-19 Origin Story Claimed By Washington Post OpEd

Snopes Under Legal Attack from

What We Learned Investigating a Network of Islamophobic Facebook Pages - Snopes traced at least 24 Facebook pages spreading anti-muslim vitriol and conspiracy theory back to one evangelical activist.

Has Iceland Eliminated Down Syndrome Through Abortion?

Student mistook examples of unsolved math problems for homework, solves them

Internet fact checker cut off from website control and ad revenue by web host

Comcast technicians found not-at-fault for accidents caused in Indiana

We Have a Bad News Problem, Not a Fake News Problem

Meme Instructions Make Bombs, Not Glow Sticks

Man who deleted his entire company says it was a hoax

Why Van Halen's tour contract had a "no brown M&M;'s" clause