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Reasons not to be used by Facebook [2011-2019]

RMS Lifestyle

Richard Stallman – How I do my computing

Reasons Not to Use Google

Richard Stallman - How I do my Computing

Better Genderless Pronouns in English – Richard Stallman (2018)

The Concept of “Cultural Appropriation”

Am I Doctor Stallman?

Richard Stallman's Personal Homepage

Reasons not to use Apple

My Talk at Microsoft – Richard Stallman

Stallman Is Now Homeless

Richard M. Stallman resigns from MIT CSAIL over “a series of misunderstandings”

Reasons Not to Use Google

Reasons Not to Use Apple

Reasons not to use Netflix

Reasons Not to Use Facebook by Richard Stallman

Richard Stallman's lifestyle

Richard Stallman on How to learn programming?

Richard Stallman's Glossary

Richard Stallman: Reasons Not to Use Pay Toilets

Reasons not to use Skype (2012)

Richard Stallman: Reasons Not to Use Google

Richard Stallman: Reasons Not to Use Netflix

Stallman: Why it is important not to have children (2012)

Reasons not to use Uber

How I (Richard Stallman) do my computing

Reasons not to use Apple

Is duckduckgo.com partially enforcing the “celebrity threesome injunction”?

Reasons not to use (i.e., be used by) Facebook

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