New study finds that frequent humor from managers can lead to emotional exhaustion and decreased job satisfaction among employees, especially in workplaces where hierarchical relationships are more pronounced.

New study (n=714k Finns) finds that having a classmate diagnosed with a mental disorder increases the chances that other students in that class will also be diagnosed with a mental disorder; proposed mechanisms include emotional contagion…

New n=34 study finds that financial professionals' unconscious brain activity, measured while viewing anonymized information about a given stock, predicted that stock's performance with 68% accuracy, whereas their actual predictions about that stock were no better than chance.

Mindfulness interventions for teens decrease mindfulness, study finds

New study suggests people often feel that listeners who disagree with them are simply not listening well, even if the listener has objectively been listening quite attentively.

AI-Generated Reviews Fool Humans and Detectors, Threatening Trust in Online Platforms

One funeral at a time: new study based on data from eight countries over 40 years finds that opinions on sensitive topics like abortion, euthanasia, and homosexuality tend to change more through generational replacement than by individuals changing their minds.