software that sucks less

Sent – Simple plaintext presentation tool

lchat 1.0 - suckless ii chat frontend

Libgrapheme: A simple freestanding C99 library for Unicode – software that sucks less


libgrapheme - A suckless Unicode string library

Software That Sucks Less

Farbfeld lossless image format: easy to parse, pipe, compress

suckless conference 2019

List of Suckless patches

dwm 6.2 and dmenu 4.9 released

Rust vs Go discussion

the suckless video editor

St – A simple terminal implementation for X

suckless conference 2016

libzahl - big integer library

Representing and working with almost none of the integers the suckless way [libzahl]

Farbfeld – A suckless image format

arg.h - A suckless alternative to getopt()

Suckless conference 2015

Simple plaintext presentation tool

The Systemd Chronicles

Design of a vim like text editor

St – simple terminal