BrewDog's James Watt Launches 'Shadow DOGE' to Take on UK Government

Can dumb 'smart' TVs be the EU's next target, please?

Wind turbine invented by 15-year-old Scot to help communities in Kenya

DONALD Trump’s “policy-making by tweets” approach to the presidency undermined America’s democratic institutions and weakened democracy, according to a new academic study.

'We need to push back': Facebook the 'main source' of Covid anti-vaccine scares

UK government advisor caught out by Wayback machine

Scottish scientists link genes to depression

Bill Gates at Edinburgh University to help fund GM crop research: “into developing genetically modified crops that are more nutritious and flood and drought resistant”

New record as wind turbines supply energy equivalent to 93% of Scotland's household need

Snowden reveals GCHQ spy programme with secret link to Scottish police

Secret US flight flew over Scottish airspace to capture Snowden