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Earth Broke Heat Records 12 Months Straight

A 100-year-old railway Mexico hopes will rival the Panama Canal (2023)

Is America Running Out of Electrical Power?

Detroit unveils nation's first wireless charging road for EVs | The Week

Are we heading for World War Three?

Is America's quest for high-speed trains finally picking up steam?

When half a million Americans died and nobody noticed (2012)

Is Google's looming monopoly trial a watershed moment for Big Tech?

'TikTok brain' may be coming for your kid's attention span

Copyright and fair use in the digital era

Americans applying for 'golden passports' more than any other nationality

Will America ban TikTok?

Words that seem related but aren't (2015)

Transplant Surgeons Report Successfully Testing a Pig Kidney on a Human

Bring Back the Station Wagon

The Miami condo collapse is a devastating reminder of America's landfill problem

Ever-increasing home values are a Ponzi scheme

Men are rapidly losing their close friends, poll finds

The Case for Trailer Parks

Peter Thiel suggests Bitcoin may be 'Chinese financial weapon against the U.S.'

Our parents warned us the internet would break our brains. It broke theirs instead.

Trump is reportedly pressuring the Pentagon to give no-bid 5G spectrum contract to GOP-linked firm

Biden campaign slams Facebook for 'inaction' on misinformation: 'Rather than seeing progress, we have seen regression'

Are bread riots coming to America?

White House scrapped a testing plan because virus hit mostly blue states

Scientists Are 3D Printing Miniature Human Organs To Test COVID-19 Drugs

Uber has lost $25B Since 2013

A terrifying mechanical dog is now stalking a Singapore park to make sure people stay properly distant

The Relative Weirdness of Birds

The booming stock market shows America is diseased

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