Pocket386 Retro DOS Computer 386SX-40Mhz

Msxbook OneChipMSX MSX2 Computer

Agora Clock

Serial adapter/reboot controller for Apple M1/M2

VNA6000 6GHz Portable Vector Network Analyzer

Crazy Clock


Esprit ClojureScript REPL (ESP32)

Core Memory Shield for Arduino

Open-Source Controller for the IKEA Bekant Standing Desk

ESP8266 EPaper WiFi Display Kit Runs for Months on a Charge

Laureline: discontinued open hardware/software GPS NTP server

OSHChip: A $25 Cortex-M0 with BTLE in DIP-16

True hardware random number generator for $50

Infinite Noise true random number generator

Tapster – mobile device automation robot

If you use Paypal, you should know they aren't sending IPNs