Harder Drive: hard drives we didn't want, or need (2022) [video]

Harder Drive: Hard drives we didn't want or need (2022) [pdf]

GNU Justified Public License

Tom 7: Badness 0 (Three ways)

Research paper is also an executable x86 program [pdf]

The glEnd() of Zelda: Automatic 3Dification of NES Games (2016)

GradIEEEnt half decent

GradIEEEnt half decent

What, if anything, is epsilon? (2014) [pdf]

ABC: A C compiler for printable x86

ABC: A C compiler for printable x86 (2017)

Harder Drive: Hard drives we didn't want or need

Learnfun and playfun: a general technique for automating NES games (2013)

Uppestcase and Lowestcase Letters

Conditional Move for Shell Script Acceleration

NaN Gates and Flip FLOPS

Survival in Chessland

#KingMe attack