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Why refrigerators and other kitchen appliances break so easily now

Weather forecast accuracy across US cities based on Weather Service gridded data

Greece adopts six-day work week to boost productivity. Experts have doubts

AI is exhausting the power grid

U.S. 'on schedule' in race with China to land people on moon, NASA chief says

When plant foods are ultra-processed, the health benefits disappear

Stanford’s top disinformation research group collapses under pressure

Your employer might be spying on your tech. Here’s how to check.

The Majority of Gen Z Describe Themselves as Video Content Creators

Artists are fleeing Instagram to keep their work out of Meta's AI

Supreme Court limits use of SEC in-house tribunals

Scientists find another way we're exposed to forever chemicals: Through our skin

Supreme Court blocks controversial Purdue Pharma opioid settlement

Why American tech companies need to help build AI weaponry

Current and former AI employees warn of the technology's dangers

Law enforcement is spying on Americans' mail, records show

Edinburgh, Scotland makes it illegal to advertise SUVs

Assange plea came after warning that U.S. would lose extradition fight

Congress Seeks Answers From Microsoft Boss After a 'Cascade' of Security Errors

New heroes of spaceflight: Not the astronauts but the software nerds

Amazon fined $5.9M for breaking labor law in California

Donating clothes is contributing to Africa's 'mitumba' problem

I went to trade school during law school. It left me stunned

America's best decade, according to data

Florida woman's Apple Watch traces lost luggage to airport worker's home

A new world of DIY medical testing

Europe's biggest problem: It is falling way behind America's powerhouse economy

Tesla shareholders re-approve Elon Musk's 2018 pay package

iOS 18 will have satellite iMessage and SMS

Champion barred from professional eating contest over Impossible Foods deal

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