Practical bruteforce of AES-1024 military grade encryption

A stick figure guide to the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) (2009)

Telenot Complex: Insecure AES Key Generation

"I implemented AES-128 in Scratch"

Attacking Hardware AES with DFA (2019)

My first ever GO (and 3rd ever programming project): Password Manager in GO which uses AES, base64 for encrypting user passwords and Hashing for master password!

This package will simplify the process of encrypting and decrypting data for your application based on the aes-256-gcm algorithm.

Introducing DeepVault: a tiny library to safely store data in the browser with AES encryption.

TermPair: Terminal sharing with AES-GCM 128 bit end-to-end encryption

Encrypted drop-in replacement of golang' os.File. (scrypt+aes+cgm). The resulting type can be used anywhere an os.File could be used. i.e

Understanding how AES encryption works

FileCrypt v2 File encryption made easy (under 1mb) (AES-256 and Argon2)

EME, CDM, AES, CENC, and Keys – Building Blocks of DRM

AES Finder – the utility to find AES keys in running process memory

aes.vbs – AES-256-CBC Encrypt and Decrypt in VBScript for Legacy Apps

Invisible Salamanders in AES-GCM-SIV

The Design of Scalar AES Instruction Set Extensions for RISC-V

[release] nRF HAL v0.11.0 – support for the nRF52833, the AES, PPI, and GPIOTE peripherals, and more


Why AES-GCM Sucks

AES-based Synthetic IDs: deterministic AE for 64-bit integers

Seeing the Penguin in AES-ECB

keystack: a proof-of-concept demo for "cracking" AES-256 when keys are left unprotected in another process

Differential Fault Injection Against AES on Atmega328

Pixcryption now implements AES Encryption to make the Cipher have an underlying cryptographically secure encryption + speed improvements!

Input and Output Block Conventions for AES Encryption Algorithms (1999)

Show HN: aes.vbs – AES-256-CBC Encrypt()/Decrypt() in VBScript for Legacy Apps


[ANN] aes-gcm-siv v0.1.0: high-performance misuse resistant authenticated encryption - experimental pure Rust implementation

“AES Java Encryption Performance Benchmarks”

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