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The Continued Trajectory of Idiocy in the Tech Industry

Invisible Salamanders Are Not What You Think

Alacrity to Federated Cryptography

What Does It Mean to Be a Signal Competitor?

Security Issues in Matrix’s Olm Library

Against XMPP+omemo

Towards Federated Key Transparency

The Tech Industry Doesn't Understand Consent – Opt-Out Is Not Consent

KEM Trails – Understanding Key Encapsulation Mechanisms

Return to Office Is Bullshit and Everyone Knows It

A Plan for Multicast Support in Noise-based Protocols

Asymmetric Cryptographic Commitments

Database Cryptography Fur the Rest of Us

How You Respond to Security Researchers Says Everything About You

What We Do in the /etc./Shadow – Cryptography with Passwords

Extending the AES-GCM Nonce Without Nightmare Fuel

Towards End-to-End Encryption for Direct Messages in the Fediverse

Should You Delete Your Patreon Account After They Laid Off Their Security Team?

Cryptographic Agility and Superior Alternatives

Guidance for Choosing an Elliptic Curve Signature Algorithm in 2022

Using RSA Securely in 2022

The Controversy Surrounding Hybrid Cryptography

Understanding HKDF

Threema: Three Strikes, You’re Out

Programmers Don’t Understand Hash Functions

Hypothetical Timing Attack on MariaDB Through Lobste.rs Password Reset

Canonicalization Attacks Against Macs and Signatures

Trivial Proof of the Collatz Conjecture

Why Furries Make Excellent Hackers

Dead Ends in Cryptanalysis #2: Timing Side-Channels

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