YAML Parser for Dyalog APL

A Personal History of APL (1982)

quAPL – A Quantum Computing Library in APL

Don'ts Or how not to program in Dyalog APL

Dyalog APL Keyboard Layouts

Uiua: A minimal stack-based, array-based language

Random walk in 2 lines of J

Draculark: Mudlarking and vampire hunting game in APL for the Commodore SuperPET

Futhark 0.25.3 released

Text Processing in APL (2022)

Rob Pike explains why every programmer should know about the array languages

Conway's Game Of Life in APL (2009)

What learning APL taught me about Python

How APL made me a better Python developer by Rodrigo Girão Serrão @FuncProgSweden


The 88 Hats Puzzle

U-Net CNN in APL: Exploring Zero-Framework, Zero-Library Machine Learning

A subset of APL compiling to Common Lisp

Suggestivity and Idioms in APL

APLcart – Find your way in APL

Dyalog APL Graphs

The BEAM needs an APL-y language (2018)

How to Shape Responses to API Calls

APL: An Array Oriented Programming Language (2018)

APL Since 1978 (2020) [pdf]

The APL Programming Language Source Code (2012)

A unique clinical trial leads to a dramatic decrease in early deaths from the rare and aggressive—yet highly curable—acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)

APL deserves its Renaissance too

The dynamic incremental compiler of APL\3000 (1979)

BQN: Finally, an APL for your flying saucer

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