How to Keep Database Table Sizes Down and Prevent Data Bloat

Dependency Injection in JavaScript: Write Testable Code Easily

How to Migrate Your Blog from Gatsby to Next.js

Three Ways to Debug Code in Elixir

Designing Error Messages and a Logging Strategy in Node.js

Under the Hood of Macros in Elixir

Improve Your Life with Long Error Messages

Responsible Monkeypatching in Ruby

TypeScript Compiler API: Improve API Integrations Using Code Generation

Three Ways To Avoid Duplicate Sidekiq Jobs

Ruby on Rails Controller Patterns and Anti-patterns

Ruby on Rails View Patterns and Anti-patterns

Understanding Associations in Elixir's Ecto

Rails Concerns: To Concern or Not to Concern

Introduction to Ruby on Rails Patterns and Anti-patterns

A Deep Dive into V8

Using Mnesia in an Elixir Application

JavaScript Growing Pains: From 0 to 13,000 Dependencies

Ride down into JavaScript dependency hell

Effective Profiling in Google Chrome

Monitoring the Erlang VM with AppSignal's Magic Dashboard

Using Broadway in an Elixir application

Configurable Ruby Modules: The Module Builder Pattern

JavaScript Errors: An Exceptional History

Building and Playing the Go Game with Phoenix LiveView

Up the Ancestor Chain with method_missing

Changing the Way Ruby Creates Objects

A look at how Ruby interprets your code

Rebasing a complex branch in Git (2016)