Carbon dioxide rates close to breaching the 410 ppm threshold Read more:

For the first time ever, the network of streams, ponds, and lakes across Antarctica's surface have been mapped, and the extent of the water flow is worrying to scientists.

New discovery leads to mass produced blood: The University of Bristol and NHS Blood and Transplant have jointly developed a novel method to produce an unlimited supply of red blood cells

New Zealand's Kaikoura earthquake was the most complex yet observed according to scientists

Costa Rica powered by renewable energy for over 250 days in 2016

Urbanization, that is human development in the form of towns and cities, is affecting evolution, according to a new scientific study

Net neutrality: Battles are being won, but the war's still raging

Despite its Nefarious Reputation, New Report Finds Majority of Activity on the Dark Web is Totally Legal and Mundane

Terahertz radiation could make computer memory 1,000 times faster

Organizers of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are hoping to source the gold, silver and bronze needed to make medals for the games from millions of discarded smartphones and other small consumer electronics.

A conservation group has created 3D printed sea turtle eggs containing GPS trackers

New gel increases blood flow for arterial disease patients

U.S., Mediterranean face extreme warming

Why missing mice, rats are a major issue for scientists

Drug trial of Metformin to begin, may increase lifespan to 120

My friend created a voice controlled smart mirror

"Smart" fridge doesn't validate SSL, vulnerable to MITM

Hydrogen-powered phone battery could provide charge for a week

Biotech firm creates fake rhino horn to help save real rhinos

Compound from plants targets cancer stem cells

Samsung paid 500 people to pose as fans at China Galaxy S6 launch.

Reuters survey says 60% of US iPhone users not interested in Apple Watch

Canada deports alleged Anonymous hacker to USA; lawyer not informed where is was being taken. Ruling says US courts can be trusted to act honorably.

Environment affects immunity more than genetics

It's not personal: Marriott clarifies Wi-Fi hotspot blocking plan

NASA working to make Venus atmosphere humanity's next home

NASA now says vast methane cloud over US southwest is for real

Facebook starts selling your browser data