Object models / fuzzy notepad

Coaxing 2D platforming out of Unity

JavaScript got better while I wasn’t looking

Growing up alongside tech

Datamining Pokémon

Some memorable levels

Teaching tech


Dark corners of Unicode

Let’s stop copying C

One year later [after quitting the tech industry]

A Rebuttal For Python 3

Succeeding MegaZeux

The curious case of the switch statement

Music theory for nerds

Attribution on the web

Storing Pokémon without SQL

Testing, for people who hate testing

Python FAQ: Why should I use Python 3?

Some stuff about color

The hardest problem in computer science

I quit the tech industry (2015)

Graphical fidelity is ruining video games

One year later (followup to "I quit the tech industry")

Perlin noise

Maybe we could tone down the JavaScript

Twitter's missing manual

Everyone’s offended these days

We Have Always Been at War with UI

Heteroglot: Project Euler problem #16 in Pascal, #17 in Inform 7

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