Dry oven heat can disinfect N95 COVID masks

An extreme heat wave in 2019 killed at least 354 Magellanic penguins at one of the world’s largest breeding colonies, researchers report

OCD—which affects as much as 2% of the world’s population—causes recurring unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors

Metabolic syndrome spikes risk of death from COVID-19

Eating more mushrooms is associated with lower risk of cancer, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis published in Advances in Nutrition

Video conferencing can tank collective intelligence: Non-visual communication methods that better synchronize and boost audio cues are more effective at mimicking face-to-face interactions than video conferencing

Handgun ownership, but not shotgun ownership, is associated with greater odds of a person having died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound rather than another suicide method, a new study shows.

DNA synthesis method generates true 'random numbers'

Women who walk 30 minutes a day may have a significantly lower risk of developing high blood pressure

Darwin’s theory about atolls is ‘beautiful’ but wrong

Vikings not typically blonde according to Genomes

Stress responses due to insect leaf-wounding in organic produce initiates an increase in antioxidant compounds prior to harvest, making fruits and vegetables healthier for human consumption, suggests new study using strawberries as a crop model.

By 7 years old, kids get that hypocrisy is wrong, suggests new research, which discovered that children who were at least 7 years old began to predict future behavior based on a person’s statement about morals (n=435…

Social media platforms tend to crack down on temporary, “throwaway” accounts, but they serve parents on Reddit well, suggests new study (n=1,460), which shows that so-called throwaways can be good for adults who need to open up on subjects that might cause them shame or pain if shared as themselves.

Predators could be the antidote to unhealthy herds, suggests new study

Politically incorrect speech works in politics because it can help people appear more authentic, suggests a new study (n=4,956), which found replacing even a single word with a politically incorrect one makes people view a speaker as more authentic and less likely to be swayed by others.

People who report worsening sleep quality as they age from their 50s to their 60s have more protein tangles in their brain, putting them at higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease later in life…

Glaciers lost more than 9 trillion tons of ice between 1961 and 2016, according to new research

Electrostimulation can improve the working memory of people in their 70s so that their performance on memory tasks is indistinguishable from that of 20-year-olds, according to new research.

Study finds that the gravitational tug-of-war the TRAPPIST-1 planets are playing with one another is raising tides on their surfaces, possibly driving volcanic activity or warming ice-insulated oceans on planets that are otherwise too cold to support life.

Falling in love may boost genes in women’s immune systems related to fighting infection, according to new research with 47 young women which included blood draws and biweekly questionnaires.

Heavy drinking of alcohol changes DNA to create an even greater craving for alcohol

Teens don’t have to be underweight to have anorexia

45% of UK scientists don't believe in God

72¢ test screens for diseases in less than an hour

Serotonin system is way more complex than we thought

Parents should use caution when pushing your picky eater - Using coercion to get your kid to eat healthy foods doesn’t really have effect, good or bad, on their weight

After a heart attack, a type of immune cell tries to heal the injured organ, but instead triggers inflammation that leads to even more damage

Decisions can be tough when you have chronic pain

After spouse passes, death risk rises - In the three-month period following a spouse’s death, the widowed are more likely to exhibit risk factors linked to cardiovascular illness and death

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