Study shows that aggrecan, the main component in cartilage, also regulates brain plasticity and memory

How obesity may harm memory and learning: In obese mice, rogue immune cells chomp nerve cell connections

Overnight Brain Stimulation Improves Memory

A regimen of low-dose aspirin potentially may reduce plaques in the brain, which will reduce Alzheimer's disease pathology and protect memory: Aspirin Induces Lysosomal Biogenesis and Attenuates Amyloid Plaque Pathology in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease via PPARα

A central extended amygdala circuit that modulates anxiety

Neuroscientists at the University of Sussex have shown by using brain scans of drug users that heroin stimulates a more pleasurable response when taken at home but cocaine is more pleasurable outside the home…

Switching mice to a keto diet protects retinal cells and their connections to the brain

A recently published study shows that LSD can manipulate the barrier between you and other people

Research shows punishing a wrongdoer is more rewarding to the brain than supporting a victim

Rapid eye movement sleep may dampen sensitivity to fearful stimuli

A genetic variant associated with multiple psychiatric disorders drives changes in a brain network that may increase an individual's risk of developing bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, finds a study published in Journal of Neuroscience.

Cortical Spreading Depression Closes Paravascular Space and Impairs Glymphatic Flow: Implications for Migraine Headache

Researchers have pinpointed how one particular gene plays a central role—either protecting from stress or triggering a downward spiral, depending on its level of activity

Social Laughter Triggers Endogenous Opioid Release in Humans

Exposure to high-fat diet from childhood may increase the sensitivity of the dopamine system later in adulthood

Scientists have uncovered that the added influence of confident people may be down to our biology

The amount of sex you have may determine how vulnerable you are to drug addiction

Many supposed features of Alzheimers are artifacts of the mouse models used. The findings of over 3000 publications may need to be re-evaluated.

Study suggests heavy cannabis use during youth could prevent the formation of healthy neural circuits

Brain imaging study shows how sounds are retained in short-term working memory

Marijuana is not associated with differences in brain structure

The idea that men and women smoke cigarettes for different reasons is widely accepted in the addiction research field

New study finds that daily marijuana use is not associated with changes in brain structure size or shape.

A new study explains why humans choke when they are pressured -- if you care more about winning than not losing, you are more likely to choke