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New study published in JNeurosci reveals how amyloid-β, the primary neurotoxic agent in Alzheimer’s disease, disrupts memory and learning by impairing synapses and signaling in the brain.

Lifelong Disadvantage: How Socioeconomics Affect Brain Function

Research shows continued cocaine use disrupts communication between major brain networks / findings are crucial for developing new therapeutics and identifying an imaging marker for cocaine use disorders.

Brain Resting-State Connectivity Significantly Correlates with ADHD Symptoms

Study finds that individuals with ADHD show reduced motivation to engage in effortful activities, both cognitive and physical, which can be significantly improved with amphetamine-based medications

A novel study suggests that dopamine, a neurotransmitter, plays dual roles in learning and motivation

Short sleep may not be bad for all brains: Study shows some people can cope with less sleep without obvious negative associations with brain morphometry, and that sleepiness and sleep problems may be more related to brain structural differences than duration.

New study analyzes the role of a protein that regulates metabolism (Sirtuin 3) on cognition, memory and metabolic dysfunction

The brain can rapidly detect and process fearful faces that are otherwise invisible to the eye

Political views can be predicted by differences in brain activity

Activity-Induced Cortical Glutamatergic Neuron Nascent Proteins

Learned Motor Patterns Are Replayed in Human Motor Cortex during Sleep

A brain region detects when you are about to think of an unwanted memory and alerts other regions to suppress it, according to research recently published in JNeurosci.

Older adults with low cognitive performance should not be interpreted as representing undiagnosed Alzheimer's disease

The sensory and motor components of the cortical hierarchy are coupled to the rhythm of the stomach during rest

90-minute naps can help boost motor skills and memory

Linking Amygdala Persistence to Real-World Emotional Experience and Psychological Well-Being

The motor basis for Misophonia: study suggests that instead of focussing on sounds, which many existing therapies do, effective therapies should target the brain representation of movement, because the mirror neuron system related to orofacial movements could underlie misophonia

Music triggers the same reward centre in the brain as alcohol and cocaine

Foundations of human consciousness: Imaging the twilight zone

Even when one eye is covered, the regions of the brain that control it still help process information - the brain is able to fill in the gaps and can "guess" what it might be missing.

Scientists find a molecular switch (and an FDA approved drug) that could reverse myelin sheath damage that occurs in neurogenerative diseases like Parkinson's disease and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and in spinal cord injury - blocking the PAR 1 receptor improves nerve healing in mouse models

Lip-reading in silence activates the brain's auditory cortices, which create a synchronized representation of what the sound would be like based on visual cues.

RGS4 maintains chronic pain symptoms in rodent models

Music ranks among the greatest human pleasures

Scientists report that an overactive immune response (microglia in the brain) reduces growth of new brain cells (neurogenesis) - this opens a new avenue for understanding Alzheimer's (esp

Audiobooks are as good as physical books: fMRI study finds listening stimulates the brain in almost identical ways as reading.

MDMA increases cooperative behavior when playing trustworthy opponents

Estrogen made by neurons is important for making memories

Ritalin drives greater connection between brain areas key to memory, attention

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