Psilocybin clinical trial to treat anxiety disorder receives approval

Seven Deadly Sins of Introductory Programming Language Design [pdf] [1996]

Drug researchers discover potent class of molecules that kills malaria parasite

Researchers have engineered new antimicrobial surfaces that can significantly reduce the formation of bacteria on medical instruments, such as urinary catheters, and reduce the risk of patient infection while in hospital

Act now on wildfires, global climate change, human health

New Research Shows That, on Average, Our Brains Work Best in the Middle of the Day – If Asked to Perform Abstract, Logical or Problem-Solving Tasks.

Peering into the secrets of phages to see how they kill bacterial superbugs: Discovery may eventually lead to targeted treatments to combat drug-resistant bacterial infections…

Australian scientists have set the world record for carbon dioxide capture through a Metal Organic Frameworks nanocomposite (a structure resembling a sponge filled with tiny magnets) that uses one-third of the energy than any other reported method.

Anti-parasitic drug, Ivermectin, eliminates SARS-CoV-2 in cells in 48 hours

Lingua::Romana::Perligata -- Perl for the XXIimum Century

The Burroughs Memoirs

Half of young Australian women experience sexually-related personal distress (guilt, embarrassment, stress, or unhappiness about sex life) according to new research from Monash University

Grey seals discovered clapping underwater to communicate

Australia first to test new lithium-sulphur batteries

On-road marked bicycle lanes are not optimal to keeping cyclists safe - Marked on-road bicycle lanes actually reduced the distance that motorists provide when passing cyclists

Searching for Visually Similar Artworks

Music and Machine Learning

The Ethics of Neuroscience (2017)

Scientists claim to have debunked a long-held evolutionary theory -- the assumption that in a simple, static environment, organisms will eventually reach a "fitness peak," a plateau of adaptation…

Automated driving key to reducing serious road trauma injuries: study shows - “potential to prevent between 4,100 and 6,500 fatal and serious injury crashes in Australia and 310-485 fatal and serious injury crashes in New Zealand each year“

Scientists discover a new mineral “Nataliyamalikite”

Research sheds light on the origin of the baleen whale

A large group of stars in the M4 globular cluster appear to be dying prematurely

Lingua::Romana::Perligata -- Perl for the XXI-imum Century

New research explains how the ability to collaborate became widespread in humans: Using game theoretic modelling, researchers have formally modelled the evolution of humans’ ability to form shared intentions…

Hughes' The design of a pretty-printing library (with an interlude on deriving functional programs from specifications) [pdf]

Cola.js – Constraint-Based Layout in the Browser

Researchers have for the first time discovered that under certain conditions coffee can act as an antioxidant, a compound found in foods that helps stabilise free radicals

Lingua::Romana::Perligata – Perl for the XXI-Imum Century (2000)

A Modest Proposal: C++ Resyntaxed [pdf]

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