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Earth may have had a ring system 466 million years ago

New study finds constipation is a significant risk factor for major cardiac events

The energy cost of mammalian reproduction is far greater than previously believed, as earlier studies didn’t include the energy expended to produce and carry offspring (indirect costs)

Gender-specific social factors may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

Older adults (over 70 years old) who walked for transportation at least once a week instead of driving a car had a lower all-cause mortality rate of up to 27%, resulting in a longer lifespan compared to those who did not walk

Cartilage healing discovery in animal models could lead to new human therapies: study

Every year, more than one million deaths globally occur because of exposure to short-term (hours to days) fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in air pollution, according to a new report, with Eastern Asia reporting more than 50% of deaths attributable to short-term PM2.5 globally.

Researchers find simpler alternative to intermittent fasting, this novel method consist in a short-term isoleucine deprivation, and it has shown remarkable results in fruit flies and "does not require drastic reductions in overall food intake"

New research (n=97) has found that an existing drug, methotrexate used for rheumatoid arthritis since the 1980s, could help many people with painful hand osteoarthritis

Eating at least 60 grams (two handfuls) of nuts a day may improve male fertility

Abnormally high levels of HDL-C (> 80 mg/dL), colloquially known as ‘good cholesterol’, are associated with an increased risk of dementia in older adults, a study (n 18,668) has found

Lingua::Romana::Perligata – Perl for the XXIimum Century (2017)

Improving deep sleep may prevent dementia, study finds

Trial study on humans (N=97) found a 20mg of methotrexate weekly oral dose -over six months- had a moderate effect in reducing pain and stiffness in patients with symptomatic hand osteoarthritis (OA)

Largest study on light exposure impacts on mental health (n = 86,772), has found increased exposure to light at night increases the risk for psychiatric disorders such as anxiety…

The world’s first study of two decades of global smoke pollution from landscape fires reveals that over 2 billion people are exposed to at least 1 day of potentially health-impacting environmental hazard annually – a figure that has increased by 6.8% in the last 10 years.

A project mapping brain changes in nearly 1,300 people diagnosed with six different types of mental illness has revealed the extraordinary diversity of brain changes found in people with conditions like major depression and schizophrenia

Ursolic acid found in apples and herbs may enhance aspects of brain or nervous system health through increases in sphingolipid production and improved axon transport, a heritable multigenerational epigenetic effect of diet demonstrated in lower organisms.

Body temperature is as a major risk factor for gut issues: rise in core body temperature to +39°C, from two hours of exercise in hot conditions can predict the onset of gut damage and the movement of pathogens from the gut into the bloodstream

Sugary drinks tax could prevent decay and increase health equity: study

Research on over 10,000 Australians aged 70 and older, found participants who "regularly engaged in adult literacy and mental acuity tasks" - such as education classes, keeping journals, and doing crosswords - were some 9 to 11 per cent less likely to develop dementia than their peers.

A new study, analysing data of 19114 healthy older adults over 5 years, has found prolonged daily aspirin use (100mg/daily) increases the risk of anaemia and decline in ferritin by 20% in people mostly aged 70 and over

Landmark study finds that the shape of the brain influences the way it works

Fast, Optimal, Any-Angle Pathfinding (Polyanya)

Being off work sick or injured linked to higher risk of suicide

Engineers have created an ultrastrong titanium alloy, the highest strength-to-weight ratio among all 3D-printed metals to date, creating unprecedented mechanical performance

Repeated concussions can thicken the skull

30-year study links childhood obesity and fitness to midlife cognition and may protect against dementia

New technology for better lithium batteries

A Vicious Cycle: The Dangerous Dehumanisation of Cyclists

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