Hubble Space Telescope spots double quasars in merging galaxies

A 10-week muscle-building and dietary program involving 50 middle-aged adults found no evidence that eating a high-protein diet increased strength or muscle mass more than consuming a moderate amount of protein while training.

Preschoolers with higher cardiorespiratory fitness do better on cognitive tests.

Cocoa flavanols boost brain oxygenation & cognition in healthy adults

Exercise and nutrition regimen benefits physical, cognitive health

Electric cooker an easy, efficient way to sanitize N95 masks, study finds

Journalists’ Twitter use shows them talking within smaller bubbles

Exploding stars may have caused mass extinction on Earth, study shows: A team of researchers hypothesizes that a supernova about 65 light-years away may have contributed to the ozone depletion and subsequent mass extinction of the late Devonian Period…

Cahokia's rise parallels onset of corn agriculture

In a new study, researchers report they can manipulate how the brain encodes and retains emotional memories

Researchers expand microchip capability with new 3D inductor technology

New polymer material may help batteries become self-healing, recyclable

Caffeine may offset some health risks of diets high in fat and sugar, suggests a new study of rats, by reducing the storage of lipids in fat cells and limiting weight gain and the production of triglycerides

Researchers are one step closer to recreating nature’s way for generating hydrogen, which is far more efficient than the current human process, based on a new understanding of biological enzymes called hydrogenases, which may help clear the path toward more environmentally friendly energy sources.

Eating potato is as effective as carbohydrate gels for boosting athletic performance, concludes study of cyclists.

Optimistic people sleep better and longer, finds a new study (n = 3,548, young and middle-aged adults)

For anemonefish (clownfish), male-to-female sex change happens first in the brain

Compounds in cocoa bean shells fight obesity, inflammation and insulin resistance in mouse cells, three of the phenolic compounds in cocoa bean shells potentially reverse the chronic inflammation and insulin resistance associated with obesity according to new research by University of Illinois.

Artificial photosynthesis transforms carbon dioxide into liquefiable fuels, reports a new study in Nature Communications

Counties with more trees and shrubs spend less on Medicare, finds new study from 3,086 of the 3,103 counties in the continental U.S

Christians’ attitudes toward the environment and climate change are shaped by whether they hold a view of humans as having stewardship of the Earth or dominion over the planet, and a stewardship interpretation can increase their concern for environmental issues…

A recent study has uncovered further evidence of an association between a Mediterranean diet and healthy brain aging

Early career choices appear to influence personality, finds a new study that tracked young adults over a period of six years, suggesting that personality is not immutable, but changes throughout life, and many of those changes are the result of one’s life choices.

Scientists: Expanding Brazilian sugarcane could dent global CO2 emissions

Parents who talk to their children about nonviolent ways of resolving conflict may reduce children's likelihood of physically or psychologically abusing their dating partners later - even when parents give contradictory messages indicating that violence is acceptable in certain circumstances.

Nearly a third of US young adults in a new study (N = 3,050, 18–24 years) were found to be “financially precarious” because they had poor financial literacy and lacked money management skills and income stability.

Study shows diminished but ‘robust’ link between union decline and rise of inequality, based on individual workers over the period 1973-2015, using data from the country’s longest-running longitudinal survey on household income.

Scientists develop CRISPR-SKIP, a new CRISPR technique that skips over portions of genes that can cause disease, instead of turning them off by breaking the DNA

Email incivility – rude messages, non-urgent messages marked “High priority” and time‐sensitive messages sent with inadequate notice – has a ripple effect that crosses work boundaries and ends up affecting employees and their domestic partners…

Study of ancient mound builders who lived hundreds of years ago on the Mississippi River Delta near present-day New Orleans offers new insights into how Native peoples selected the landforms that supported their villages and earthen mounds – and why these sites were later abandoned.

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