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Light targets cells for death and triggers immune response with laser precision

Gut microbes from aged mice transplanted into young mice induce inflammation in the young mice that parallels inflammatory processes associated with aging in humans, new study finds

Social networks can influence perception of climate-change risk

New antifungal molecule kills fungi without toxicity in human cells and mice

A person’s own behavior is the primary driver of how they treat others in competitive situations: generous people tend to reward generous behavior and selfish individuals often punish generosity and reward selfishness – even when it costs them personally

What is driving the high suicide rate among farmers?(2022)

Webb Space Telescope detects universe’s most distant complex organic molecules, 12 billion light-years away from Earth

At great expense, railroad bypassed first black-founded town in the U.S.(2010)

Research found blood markers of two saturated fatty acids, along with certain omega-6, -7 and -9 fatty acids, correlated with better scores on tests of memory and were associated with larger brain structures in the frontal…

A soybean protein blocks LDL cholesterol production, reducing risks of metabolic diseases such as atherosclerosis and fatty liver disease

Researchers Propose New Structures To Harvest Untapped Source of Freshwater

Study links protecting Indigenous peoples' lands to greater nonhuman primate biodiversity

“Dark tourism” experiences – sites and museums associated with violence, tragedy and war – draw millions of travelers each year

Poor diet, household chaos may impair young children’s cognitive skills

Pandemic’s impact on volunteer health care workers

Study finds individualized eating program helps dieters lose weight, keep it off

Great timing, supercomputer upgrade lead to successful forecast of eruption

Staring at yourself during virtual chats may worsen your mood, research finds.

New study suggests that children’s early experiences doing math homework and activities with their parents shape their motivation and achievement.

Study: Rural air pollution may be as hazardous as urban

Overweight and obesity lead to a shorter lifespan and a lower quality of life in dogs and human

Brain mechanisms involved in learning also drive social conformity

Study: Regardless of seating arrangement in an airplane, masking reduced the risk of transmission by 30% over allowing passengers to unmask

Avocados change belly fat distribution in women, controlled study finds

Ultrathin self-healing polymers create new, sustainable water-resistant coatings | University of Illinois

Chemical reactions break free from energy barriers using flyby trajectories

Study finds green spaces linked to lower racial disparity in COVID-19 infection rates

Evidence linking pregnant women’s exposure to phthalates, found in plastic packaging and common consumer products, to altered cognitive outcomes and slower information processing in their infants…

Hubble Space Telescope spots double quasars in merging galaxies

A 10-week muscle-building and dietary program involving 50 middle-aged adults found no evidence that eating a high-protein diet increased strength or muscle mass more than consuming a moderate amount of protein while training.

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