Entangled light source is fully on-chip

Surprisingly high levels of artificial radioactive isotopes found in glaciers

Freeman Dyson: the visionary thinker and scientist who challenged authority

Two independent teams have shown that gravitational waves emanating from the distorted remnants of black hole mergers should interact with themselves

Metalens Images the Moon

Water droplets make an impact (2001)

A periodic table for topological materials

New Horizons probe may have observed light from decaying dark matter

Deep-learning system identifies difficult-to-detect brain metastases – Physics World

Rubidium vapour makes a good quantum memory

Graphene tattoo provides cuffless blood-pressure monitoring

Magnetic fields can turn medical waste into high-value products.Alternating magnetic fields can be used to rapidly convert medical waste, such as plastic syringes…

Five glassy mysteries we still can’t explain

For the first time, physicists in the Netherlands demonstrated that quantum information can be reliably teleported between network nodes, offering a glimpse into the future of quantum internet.

Migrating birds use information extracted from the Earth’s magnetic field to target the same breeding grounds year after year, with the field’s inclination angle, in particular, acting as a “stop sign” telling them they have reached their destination.

Quirkiest stories from the world of physics in 2021

A new cosmic dawn: peering across the universe with NASA's James Webb Space Telescope

Wearable device provides advance warning of epileptic seizures

Quantum entanglement of two macroscopic objects is the Physics World 2021 Breakthrough of the Year – Physics World

Elements may have been forged on Earth, as well as in space

All-in-one quantum key distribution system makes its debut

Merging neutron stars create more gold than collisions involving black holes

Blood tests reveal brain damage following long-term spaceflight

Quantum Cheshire cats could have a travelling grin

Fusion energy -- now only 25 years away...

Photon–photon collisions could shed light on physics beyond the Standard Model

The Non-Radiating Antenna

Sprinkling basalt over soil could remove huge amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

Solar device generates electricity and desalinates water with no waste brine

Smartphones could create distributed space weather observatory

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