All Sliders to the Right

Time to get the Posix elephant off our necks?

Lessons learned from three container-management systems over a decade

Reinventing Back End Subsetting at Google

Split Your Overwhelmed Teams

The Rise of Fully Homomorphic Encryption

Why Writing Your Own Search Engine Is Hard (2004)

Long Live Software Easter Eggs

Long Live Software Easter Eggs

Linear Address Spaces: Unsafe at any speed

Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis (2012)

Persistence Programming

The SPACE of Developer Productivity - ACM Queue

The Keys to the Kingdom

The Planning and Care of Data

Surveillance Too Cheap to Meter

Performance Anti-Patterns (2006)

C Is Not a Low-Level Language Anymore: Trying to Expose a PDP-11

The history of Berkeley DB: A Conversation with Margo Seltzer and Mike Olson

Meaning and Context in Computer Programs

Lamboozling Attackers: A New Generation of Deception

The Software Industry Is Still the Problem

Static Analysis: An Introduction

Consistency, convergence, and confluence are not the same

A Generation Lost in the Bazaar (2012)

Real-world String Comparison

What Went Wrong?

When Curation Becomes Creation

An informal survey of real-world communications failures (2014)

Immutability Changes Everything

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